Energy Saving Ideas from Radiant Lighting

27 Feb 2022


Reducing the amount of energy we consume on a daily basis is a responsibility that we have to each other and to the planet.  That’s why we’ve put together this article to highlight some of the key energy saving ideas available to us when selecting lighting for our homes or businesses.

Energy Efficient LED’s

Let’s get the most obvious one out of the way.  An LED light fitting uses almost 5 times less energy than a halogen equivalent and can last 7 times longer (15,000 hours).  Some of our Faze luminaires have a life span of over 55,000 hours! The difference in efficiency is staggering.  That’s not to mention the less clear benefits such as less waste being sent to landfill.

LED’s have become cheaper, more accessible and more efficient than ever before so it’s a no brainer for them to be the first choice for lighting your property.
View our downlights

Fans before Air Conditioning

Ceiling fans can help reduce the ambient air temperature by up to 3 degrees which is often all that is needed to feel cool on those dry, hot summer days.  The best part is that fans typically use 30-100W of power per day compared to as much as 3.5kW to run a refrigerative air conditioner all day.  The bottom line, fans cost approximately 3c an hour to run and an air conditioner costs 25c+ an hour.  
View our ceiling fans

Smart Lighting

Do you ever find yourself having to turn off all the lights in the house and thinking ‘who’s paying for this lighthouse’!?

Having a wireless enabled smart lighting solution means you can schedule when lights turn on and off.  What an easy way to keep a handle on your running costs!
View our range of Casambi products


Dimmers simply allow you to reduce the amount of light dependant on tasks and mood.  Lower the dimmers and you’ve instantly reduced the amount of power required. LED fittings use such little energy by default but turning down the dimmers does lower the power consumption even more.

Switches at entry and exits

If a room has multiple entrance and exit points, put switches right next to them. People will be more likely to switch the lights off if they can do so right where they’re leaving the room. 

We hope you enjoyed reading this article.  If you have any questions about reducing your energy consumption through lighting, our expert consultants are here to help.  Please email us at or call on 08 9240 2227.